I started this blog on August 10, 2010 and called it Everything Fabulous because I wanted to write about things that make me feel wonderful.  I haven't written much (and I like to write), so that has caused me to really think about why?  Is the world around me less fabulous?  I don't think so.    What is going on with me that I don't write about all those things fabulous (and there are so many)!

The thing I've discovered (and  this  is SO fabulous) is that those things that make you smile and feel good do not start from the external stimuli in our lives. They have an affect but it has to start from within.  If you don't feel fabulous inside, those things you love, that make you smile, won't have the same impact.  Of course, experts and wise men through the ages say that you have to reach within (hence the huge section of Self Help books in every bookstore).  But how many of us really take it to heart?  Well today I begin.  And it will be an adventure! As with any adventure, you need stuff . . . a map...an idea of where you're trying to get to.  And I know there will be bumps along the way, just like wandering around hours lost in a foreign city, trying to get back to where you need to be.  

My adventure is going to be an adventure of change....starting and ending each day with something positive and inspiring. I am such a procrastinator . . . everyone who knows me knows that!  And changing that will become a part of my adventure.

Adventures are exciting!  Webster defines it as "an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience of activity.  It's also described as engaging in hazardous and exciting activites.  It's the exploration of unknown territory."

What could be better to explore than your own fabulousness?  Well that's what I'm about to do.  I will try to write about this adventure here so I have some sort of accountability, and of course that means exposing those awful, nasty flaws and challenges.  If anyone actually does read this, please let me know with a post, so I know someone's really watching. (Pleeease let me know you are here...don't be a creeper).  I appreciate all input, and who knows, it may help you find your inner fabulous self along the way.

My first piece of change and becoming more fabulous is to NEVER watch morning news shows again.  I am done!  I am a NEWS JUNKIE and the election is 24 hours away.  But I did it.  I turned off the TV and will find out some other way who won. (Like reading which is totally fabulous).   This is a very small step, but it's my small beginning.  And when I get to the office today, I will continue! 

Be fabulous, or at least help make someone else's life more fabulous (it might just take a smile).  Happy Monday! 


  1. Love you, Susan! I'm hoping to start writing too (you know, in all of this free time i have) I love reading your posts :)

  2. Sounds to me like you are channelling some Buddhist vibe. :) I knew I could drag you to the blissful side.


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