Seeing the World through Rose Colored Glasses

Some people think the sky is blue.  Mostly I see it as pink.
I have often said that if I could paint the world pink, I would. I think Pink is the  most fabulous color in the universe and just looking at my  pink board on Pinterest makes me smile and brightens my morning.  I wear pink when I can, use pink accessories, and  have also been accused of seeing the world through rose colored glasses.    I shared one of my favorite photos this morning….my pink pig adorned in lipstick and pearls.
Now there is a lot that could be said about that picture and why on earth I like it so much.  First of all, you already know that  I love pink and this is a pink pig….she also has pink lipstick and as a bonus, she’s wearing pearls.  I’m also imagining those hooves are painted in a very bright pink OPI color to make her even more stunning (if that’s possible).  And she’s wearing rose colored glasses and I think she's fabulous.   OMG this is me as a pig!

I was involved in a very tough real estate negotiation a few years ago.  The other Broker used every form of degradation and intimidation trying to get me to "back down" and do it his way.  I'm tough in negotiations and always look out for the best interests of my client and wasn't going to budge!  He became so frustrated, he said, "Well you are going to lose, because you are looking at this through rose colored glasses."  I sort of chuckled knowing he was just trying to strong arm me and I said (with a huge smile on my face) , "Well yes I guess I am wearing rose colored glasses".   Of course we got the deal accepted as presented and I won for my client; I didn't lose.  And I thought to myself, "Rose colored glasses are fabulous."

I grew up on a farm.  I was a scrawny little thing with a tassel of long blond curls, big eyes and evidently a pair of rose colored glasses.  Farm life was brutal.  The house was small, the summers long and hot and the winters long and cold.   But the thrill of the farm was the animals.  . . All of  them, especially the pigs.  I loved the pigs because they always seemed so interested in everything you did or said.  They'd look at you like a spellbound audience and retort with their loud snorting and an occasional squeal, prepared to give you the standing ovation, if they could only figure out how.  They were an amazing, adoring audience and they were mine… always waiting for words of wisdom from a 5 year old.  
Somehow we ended up with a little orphan pig.  She was pink, small and precious and I loved her at first sight.  Pinkie’s future was in jeopardy.  You know what happens to pigs on a farm…..well let’s not discuss that.   I must have been about 5 or 6 at the time and decided that the only thing that would save this sweet little pig was for me to kidnap her. I knew I had to.  It was not an option.  She had to be saved and I was the only one who could do it.  I went to bed that night hatching a plan to save the pig. 

I image that little girl waking up the next morning with a tuft of curly blond hair going everywhere, wide eyed and a little scared.  She would carefully put on her boots and reach over to the bedside table, grabbing those rose colored glasses and putting them on, to start her mission.  I see her, so tiny, climbing into that pig pen and maneuvering through the other pigs to get to this poor little pig. This seems a risky mission for such a tiny little girl, but the mission was a success.   And a pig was saved.

 Now what on earth is any farm girl going to do with a baby pig that still needs to nurse.  Of course, you would move her right into your bedroom and somehow come up with a baby bottle to feed her and be the mom!  Getting a pig to nurse a baby bottle the first time is a challenge, but once we got the knack, we were a pretty good team.  Luckily she was the recipient of warm, freshly milked cow's milk every day. (I didn't think of the impact of a pig being raised on cow's milk, but it worked out)     Pinkie resided in my bedroom under my bed until she grew too large to hide and too loud to keep quiet.  My parents were furious with me but Pinkie ended up having a good life, becoming Queen Pinkie and living to an old age.

Lessons Learned!  First of all everyone needs a little help now and then.  Sometimes it just is very clear that it's "your job".  You were the one chosen for that particular task.  Sometimes these tasks make you feel good and sometimes they are just painful. It also proves that you can do whatever you put your mind to.  There really are no limits.

Sometimes you just have to take a risk.   And you may need to put on "your" rose colored glasses to see the world, your world in a different light. Maybe a little pink cast is all you need to make something bad, look good.   It may change your outlook and may help you to see things more clearly. It may even help you to make a difference in your life, someone’s life, even if it is a pig.

So  today, as I continue my adventure…my journey,  I will be dressed in pink. When I open my bag, you will see the pink lining and you may or may not see the rose colored glasses when you see me, but be assured, they are there and I think that's fabulous!


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